I current work with employers to secure visas for their skilled workers. Employers wanting to hire migrants generally need to become accredited with Immigration New Zealand, to ensure they meet basic labour market tests, and follow ethical and legal employment practices.
I am able to assist with accreditation and securing the work visa application for your employee.
Accreditation types
There are three types of accreditation, and each have varying levels of documentation and checks that need to be undertaken before an employer can become accredited.
Standard accreditation: where you can hire up to 5 employees;
High volume accreditation: for hiring 6 or more employees at any given time, and;
Franchises and controlling third-party (tripartite) arrangements: these arrangements are more difficult, and are subject to deeper checks by MBIE staff.
job check
Job checks: almost every position will need to be screened through a job check, which requires a labour market test in most cases, and a close examination of the listed requirements, and how closely they related to your chosen employee. It is important that your advertisement meet basic employment law standards, i.e. salary and hours. The Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Holidays Act will be the primary pieces of legislation that apply here. Once an employer has shown they cannot find a suitable New Zealander, the job check will usually be approved.
Migrant Check
Once the job check is approved, a job token will be issued. This is a web link that allows the employee, or their lawyer, to apply for the Accredited Employer Work Visa. They will need to demonstrate they meet the requirements that were listed in the job check, including skilled work experience and qualifications. Their answers will need to match what was in the job check, which they will not typically have access to, i.e. the salary or wage, location of employment, type of employment, and hours.